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Maison Frapin Our know-how

Artisanal distillation by tasting

Our Charente wine, thanks to the expertise of our Master Distillers, will be transformed into exceptional cognac following the principle of double distillation. At Frapin, distillation is done on the lees because we believe that the elements derived from the lees are beneficial for our cognacs. Only our Master Distillers decide how to carry out this distillation.

The distillation

This takes place in our 6 Charentais copper pot stills (of 25 hl). Here, the wine is first placed in the boiler, where the alcohols swirl in the head, pass through the swan neck, and condense in the condenser. They then pass through the cold water contained in the cooler. This distillation produces a cloudy 'brouillis' with an alcohol content of approximately 30-32°. The 'brouillis' is redistilled, resulting in the 'heart.' A product of double distillation, cognac is the soul of the wine. The Master Distiller has concentrated all the finesse of the aromas in this colorless eau-de-vie, which then has an alcohol content of 71°.

Aging : A shared challenge of several generations...

Two elements are involved in the aging of our cognac: the wood of our barrels and the cellars in which they are stored.

Aging through wood

Our cognac ages in Limousin oak barrels. It is this wood that imparts warm colors to the cognac by releasing its tannins upon contact with the eaux-de-vie. Three types of barrels are used. First, new barrels are employed to quickly transfer colors and aromatic contributions to our cognac. Then, our Master Cellar will move the cognac into less young barrels known as 'roux.' The contribution from these barrels will be milder, allowing us more time to observe how the cognac evolves. The aging concludes in century-old barrels. Here, there is no further contribution from the wood, but oxidation and essential evaporation occur: the 'Angel's Share'...

The Art of Producing Cognac

Aging through the cellars

Our barrels are stored in the different cellars of the estate, depending on their specific characteristics. Our Master Cellar is responsible for relocating the barrels based on the desired atmospheric conditions. He can place them in two categories of cellars: Humid cellars: at ground level, made of beaten earth, where the humid atmosphere allows for moderate evaporation of the barrels, imparting roundness and smoothness to our cognac. Dry cellars: on the upper floors under the roofs, where the dry atmosphere allows for intensified evaporation, bringing finesse and elegance to our cognac. Grande Champagne needs time to express its exceptional aromas, which is why we age all our cognacs for a longer period.

The blending

The final step

The final step before bottling, blending is a crucial stage for the Master Cellar. As a true conductor, he must select and then blend the eaux-de-vie from different cellars and of different ages to achieve a consistent quality and characteristics. The goal is to maintain the Frapin style year after year. It is a true blend of precision, intuition, and experience.

From the cultivation of its vineyard located in Grande Champagne, through artisanal distillation on the lees, and then aging in century-old humid or dry cellars, everything is in place to ensure the continuity of the Frapin style. This quality and know-how are rewarded each year with awards and medals at international competitions.