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Discover ourFAQ

Consult our FAQ dedicated to Maison Frapin to get comprehensive answers about our exceptional cognacs. Discover valuable information about our production processes, our vintages, and much more.

How to store a Cognac Frapin decanter ?

To store a Cognac Frapin decanter, it is essential to keep it in a room at ambient temperature, away from direct sunlight and protected from temperature fluctuations. The decanter must be stored upright to avoid prolonged contact with the cork, which could affect the quality of the Cognac. Additionally, make sure to tightly seal the decanter after each use to prevent the spirit from oxidizing.

How can I contact Frapin customer service?

You can contact us by phone at +33 (0)5 45 35 60 10 or by email at

Where can I buy Frapin cognacs ?

Our products are available in a selection of specialty stores as well as on our online store.

Can we visit Maison Cognac Frapin ?

Maison Cognac Frapin offers guided tours of its vineyard, giving visitors the opportunity to discover the fascinating history of the House, its traditional production methods, and to taste a selection of their award-winning Cognacs. Three tours are available, allowing visitors to explore different sites of the Frapin vineyard.

Which glass should be used to taste cognac ?

The ideal glass for tasting cognac is the tulip glass. Its distinctive shape, narrow at the top and wider at the base, helps concentrate the cognac’s aromas towards the nose, enhancing the olfactory experience even before the first sip.

What is the difference between a VS, VSOP, XO, or XXO cognac ?

The terms VS, VSOP, XO, and XXO refer to different levels of cognac aging : VS (Very Special) : means that the cognac has been aged in barrels for at least 2 years. VSOP (Very Superior Old Pale) : indicates an aging of at least 4 years. XO (Extra Old) : represents an aging of at least 10 years. XXO : is a category indicating an aging of at least 14 years.

What is unique about the aging process of Frapin cognacs ?

Frapin cognacs benefit from a unique aging process in our cellars, where they are carefully aged in either humid or dry cellars. These aging methods impart a variety of aromas and complexities to our eaux-de-vie, setting them apart. Humid cellars have moderate evaporation, making the cognac rounder and smoother on the palate. Dry cellars experience higher evaporation, giving the cognac greater finesse and a longer finish.