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Cognac Frapin Beehives

Cognac Frapin Beehives

In spring 2023, Cognac Frapin took an initiative in favor of biodiversity by planting 2 hectares of flowering fallows at its headquarters in Segonzac. These flowering fallows, composed of cornflowers, marigolds, French marigolds, sage, and perennial flax, encourage the proliferation of pollinating insects in the region, such as bees, bumblebees, grasshoppers, butterflies, and beetles.

To further enhance the presence of these essential insects for local fauna and flora, Cognac Frapin partnered with BeeWizMe to install 2 black bee hives in these hectares of flowering fallows. Since May 6, 2024, these 2 hives in Segonzac have housed 30,000 bees each, producing up to 30kg of honey per year. The first harvest of Cognac Frapin honey is expected in the summer, under the care and protection of BeeWizMe’s beekeeper and Cognac Frapin’s volunteer employees.
