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Cognac Frapin Cuvée Rabelais

Héritage de la Maison · Héritage de la Maison · Héritage de la Maison ·

Cuvée Rabelais

This humanist and man of letters, whose work celebrates the love of life, is primarily the ancestor of Pierre Frapin, the founder of the House. While this lineage recalls the historical roots of Frapin cognacs, it underscores the exceptional character of this cognac: a blend of remarkable eaux-de-vie sourced exclusively from our 'Paradise cellars' as well as from our demijohns containing old cognacs of unknown ages.

Color, bouquet, on the palate

In an amber robe with orange reflections, this blend reveals a particularly delicate nose, punctuated by aromas of oranges and candied apricots, followed by subtle woody scents. On the palate, these flavors merge into notes of dried fruits and licorice, before unveiling the complex aromas of the famous Charentais rancio, evoking tobacco and cigar boxes. Infinite in length, its persistence on the palate enhances the extremely evolving tasting experience of this limited edition.


Like an amber and shimmering drop enhanced by the purity of crystal, the carafe of the Cuvée Rabelais appears suspended in light. In a bold design, its rounded base is highlighted with concentric layers that, through a subtle gradient, magnify the golden reflections of an exceptional cognac while suggesting the work of time. The neck of the precious bottle, sheathed in gold, is engraved with a vine branch, evoking the marvel of the Charentais terroir. Set on an airy base gilded with 24-carat gold – a piece of art silverware, polished and manually assembled with precision, whose lines echo the gentle curves of the precious bottle – this carafe inspires a true tasting ritual. Simply remove its cut crystal cabochon to inhale the waltz of aromas of the Cuvée Rabelais. Numérotée, chacune des carafes de la Cuvée Rabelais est enchâssée dans un véritable écrin : un coffret de bois laqué. L’intérieur est tendu de cuir clair tandis qu’un miroir met en lumière le flacon et en souligne l’éclat. Née d’une boule de feu et du souffle de l’homme, cette carafe inédite est l’oeuvre d’une manufacture française prestigieuse : la Cristallerie Saint-Louis. Héritiers d’un savoir-faire enrichi de plus de quatre siècles d’histoire, ses maîtres verriers et maîtres tailleurs l’ont patiemment soufflée, taillée puis décorée à la main à l’or 18 carats.


Frapin guides the subtle evolution of its eaux-de-vie in oak barrels, some of which are sometimes over a century old, taking the necessary time often several decades for them to reveal their full complexity. This attentive aging process is complemented by a control of the phenomena that concentrate the aromas. Thus, over the years, each barrel is placed either in a dry cellar to highlight the finesse and elegance of the eaux-de-vie or in a humid cellar to round out and soften the bouquet. The Frapin 'Paradise cellars' house an exceptional collection of rare eaux-de-vie, including those that contributed to the blend of Cuvée Rabelais.

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A word from the Master Cellar.

Our Master Cellar, Patrice PIVETEAU, explains in detail the production of this cognac. Discover the terroir and the know-how associated with Frapin Cuvée Rabelais… Our cognac will hold no secrets for you.