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The collection FRAPIN 1270

Endless Night

Dav Eams, Tredwells, Londres



  • Cognac Frapin 1270 / 5 cl
  • PX Sherry / 1,5 cl
  • Maraschino Luxardo / 1 cl
  • Angustora Bitters / 1 drop
  • Chocolate Bitters / 2 drops
  • 1 orange twist


  1. Place all the ingredients, except for the orange twist, in a shaker with ice.
  2. Mix. Strain into the glass.
  3. Squeeze a piece of orange peel over the surface of the cocktail to release the oils.
  4. Garnish with the twist.
  5. Mix. Strain into the prepared glass.
  6. Garnish with slices of mango.